GRiPC North Guildford PCN Privacy Notice

GRiPC North Guildford PCN Privacy Notice


We are part of the GRiPC North Guildford PCN (Primary Care Network) which is a network of GPs practices established to provide integrated services to the local population. Members of the network are:

 ●        Dapdune House Surgery

●        Fairlands Surgery

●        Guildowns Group Practice

●        Woodbridge Hill Surgery


We also work in close collaboration with the following organisations:

●        Procare GP Federation

●        Surrey Physio

●        Voluntary Access South West Surrey

●        Green Light Healthcare Ltd

●        Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Trust


By operating as a network, we as the PCN are responsible for delivering the following services:

●        Enhanced Access Hours

●        Urgent Care Hubs

●        Anticipatory and Proactive Care MDTs

●        Structured Medication Reviews


As a PCN we deliver the following services working collaboratively with other providers:

●         Social Prescribing

●         First Contact Physiotherapy

●        Covid Vaccination Programme


By operating as a network we as the PCN collaboratively work with other Providers who are responsible for delivering the following services:

●        GPimhs (GP Integrated Mental Health Services)


Where necessary and relevant to support your direct care, we will share your confidential patient information with members of our network and with our collaborative organisations to support safe, efficient and effective care and treatment.


We will use data which you cannot be identified from when we are undertaking the planning and commissioning of local health and care services. This ‘de-identified data’ is effectively anonymised in accordance with the Information Commissioner’s Office Code of Practice, a summary of which is available at link.


If you are not happy for your health data to be shared with the organisations detailed above if you wish to access PCN services then you can object to this. To do so you should contact your registered Practice so they can discuss the potential impact this could have on your care and treatment.

If you do not wish for your de-identified data to be used for planning and commissioning of PCN services you are able to opt-out of this via the National Opt-Out – please see link below for further details:



See for further information about our PCN services.